BigDoor specializes in Technological and IT related
services such as product engineering, warranty
management, building cloud, infrastructure, network, etc
More About our
Success Stories
The IT services that we are running can be segmented by the
type of skills employed to deliver the service (design, build, run).
Technically, these fall into three main categories: business process
services, application services, and infrastructure services.
To help individuals achieve their career
bjectives with an affluent future by adding
value to their training initiatives. We believe in
building and delivering training experiences
that help attain skills to transform participants
to performers and make an honest impact
where it matters.
Our vision is to make Bigdoor Technologies a
dynamic, vibrant and a value-driven organization
to embrace exceptional skills with high quality,
accessible training and professional development
facilitated by motivated experts to help evolve
qualified individuals into Professionals.